What is up LiyiaTribe (even if it is the same five viewers every time) thank you for coming back to another day at Under the Layers, today is March 14, 2021. I am not going to lie this blog post was supposed to be very interesting and something new that I have never done before. This activity was also going to be a corresponding YouTube video, but that is another time and another day. We are going to discuss what I have been up to and why I have not been around for a good lil minute on Under the Layers and YouTube. It has been a rough month and I will go in depth on this explain a little bit later but now I will be doing my general introduction. Now moving on, if you would like a little more of Liyia you can check it out on my YouTube channel that is CaliyiaLanaye. If you want just a little more insight into my life, feel free to check out my homepage where you can see brief segments about present-day Caliyia. Remember that throughout each week you will also still learn more about me since I am still learning about myself. Let’s get into why I have been so distant lately in everything that I have been doing. I was in a very depressive state, it was not over anything serious, and I did not have depressive thoughts. It was just angry and sadness built up because of school and work. When I say this, I mean my anxiety was on ten because of the quarter ending, I needed to pass everything in both of my classes so I can graduate early. Then with work, I am just tired of working my ass off for my checks to not go past 250. It made me so upset, I felt like this is just where I am supposed to be, and there is nothing better that I can do. I was stuck in one place and did not feel like doing anything after school ended for me so I did not. I stopped blogging and posting on YouTube all together, I called off work several times in a week because I just could not do it anymore. Therefore, after school ended I started vigorously applying to every job in sight. I began to get calls to come in for interviews and I kept being turned down time after time. This made me even more upset because I was actually trying and still was not getting anywhere. At first I stopped completely applying to anything and just began accepting the fact that I have to keep working two jobs that both don’t pay me anything. Then I was just like man forget that I need to move on and find something more sustainable. This week it finally happened I was hired to one stable job that will help me bring back up my spirits, and now I am back to normal and ready to get back to everything I signed up for. Even better is that I am going on vacation towards the end of this week and I will be vlogging my trip and that will be my come back to YouTube. Later in the week, I will be explaining or reviewing some of my favorite things. This can vary from different items to simply being a favorite song that makes me happy and keeps me moving. Then on Thursday, I will be trying as best as I can to describe my dream guy. I would not say that this is hard, but I have not explained this in depth, as I will be before. This week will of course going to be focusing on YouTube, Blogging, I still have not mastered my working out schedule but we will figure it out, and my final days with my current job. With all that being said I will be dropping my next YouTube video next week, I am glad that I had an alternative video idea instead of the one I was supposed to be making today. I was supposed to be making a YouTube video on decorating my car/ car tour because it is long overdue. The reason that has been pushed back that it has not been sunny in a while and my mom is the one who has really been doing the decorating part, anyways it will be done and I will have it for you guys. That wraps up today’s post. Please look out for that and Like, Comment, and Subscribe! I hope someone likes what I’m putting down on here lol, but if not at least I am entertaining myself. PEACE!
Word Count: 788