What is going on LiyiaTribe thank you for coming back to another day at Under the Layers. Today is March 7, 2021, and today marks my 50th post on Under the Layers!!!!!!!!!! This means so much to me that I have stayed dedicated and motivated to keep pushing even when I am writing just to keep myself content. Oh yeah, and Welcome to my Weekly Entry!!!! If you don’t know my weekly entries just contains what is in store for this week coming up and today I will be discussing PERSONAL GROWTH this is substantial for me to obtain in my life because it keeps me somewhat at peace. It is great to express how much you have evolved as a person over the year, its progress to mature and push out all negativity that could’ve been placed in front of you and you made the mistake of accepting it. As some of you may know today is “Self-Care Sunday” I am going to keep it a stack with you all I did was work today and took my last final for my class that’s it. Now moving on, if you would like a little more of Liyia you can check it out on my YouTube channel that is CaliyiaLanaye. If you want just a little more insight into my life, feel free to check out my homepage where you can see brief segments about present-day Caliyia. Remember that throughout each week you will also still learn more about me since I am still learning about myself. Let’s begin discussing on Personal Growth. First let’s start off with a generic definition from the good ole Google, “Personal growth means different things to different people. In general, it refers to the self-improvement of your skills, knowledge, personal qualities, life goals and outlook” (CoFoundersRetreat). I didn’t want to really discuss personal growth, in fact I just plainly wanted to talk about growth in general. Whether its you took a leap of faith and talked to a boy or girl that you liked or showing more responsibility at work. Growth can be small steps towards a big goal, but not a lot of people understand that. Many may stick to a general routine and wouldn’t think about trying new things. That kind of explains me I let my anxiety take over me like I don’t matter, I let it make me want pass out when all I want to do is say hi to someone. Or let it make my heart beat abnormally to the point where I feel it in my throat all because I put my pride aside and tell the people that previously hurt me in life that I miss them. Life is short I know it is cliché, but it is true and as I try to remember that more day by day I try to be myself and not my anxiety, I want to be outgoing and have fun with my friends but all I am worried about are the people watching us. I will grow, I might have 15 or more panic attacks a week, but I will change the person I am for good that starts by never settling for less. I will not let anyone take me for granted anymore, even if it is over small stuff. Setting standards for yourself even for the small stuff helps balance, what you will allow in future experiences with new people, and I most certainly do not want any repeats of people who cannot grow with me or try to tear me down. Growth can be cleaning the house every couple of days instead of just doing nothing all day. You determine what you can do to change your perception of the world. Be different and stop trying to prove yourself, who cares people make up the world, but they do not control you. Change for you for the better, not because someone will like you better a different way. Later in the week, I will be discussing some of the best lessons I’ve learned so far in my life, yeah that may get deep I don’t really know. This will just be talking about some steps I have missed when climbing up my life pathway, excited to share that with you guys. Then on Thursday, I will be trying something I have never done which will be an audio post instead of me typing you can just simply hear my voice and yeah I don’t know how that is going to go. Especially since I do not think, I will be able to edit this in the process of making it. All right so this week will be kind of chill maybe. I don’t know this my first official week with no assignments I can’t believe I actually did it, I graduated early. So guess what I have more time for more things!!!!! I will be focusing on YouTube, Blogging, Working out, and my job unfortunately. I will be dropping my next YouTube video this week, yeah when studying for my finals that whole YouTube thing was a no go. This video will be on decorating/ car tour whoop whoop that is wayyyy long overdue I have had my car since the beginning of October. Therefore, I am excited to get that all together. Please look out for that and Like, Comment, and Subscribe! I hope someone likes what I’m putting down on here lol, but if not at least I am entertaining myself. PEACE!
Word Count: 921