Wassup LiyiaTribe!!!!!! Thank you for tuning in at Under the Layers. Today is February 2, 2021, and we will be discussing something that I get a lot of questions on since I have lost an abundance of weight. That would have to be my fitness routine, that I am just now getting back on today so when I put my list on here don’t look at it like omgg how does she do all of this. I am just starting back after months of not working my body properly, everything on list will ether all not get done or will be completed in smaller amounts until I can work my way up and get my body back on a schedule. Move at your own pace. If you want just a little more insight into my life, feel free to check out my homepage where you can see brief segments about present-day Caliyia. Remember that throughout each week you will also still learn more about me since I am still learning about myself. Without further ado, let us talk about my fitness routine. I want to start working out three times a week, at first I wanted to work out six times a week (I DON’T KNOW WHO I THOUGHT I WAS!) So now I have mapped out my weekly plan I will work out three times a week whether it’s at the gym or at home, if I feel like I need more I will do cardio on my treadmill in between the days. I want to work out Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursdays because these are days out the week when I get off of work earlier than other days in the week. I am going to show you guys the workout set I will be doing today.
30 min. Treadmill
~ 40 Inner thigh on 50lbs.
~ 40 Outer thigh on 50lbs.
~ 15 (each leg) Glute extensions on 30lbs.
~ 20 (each side) Dumbbell alternating reverse curl
~ 25 Squats on full length bar
~ 20 Deadlifts with 15lbs. weight
~ 25 Leg extension machine
~ 20 Curtsey lunges with 15lbs. weights
~ 25 Linear leg press machine
15x3 Wall sit
15x3 Jump squats
15x3 Burpees
15x3 Lunges
15x3 Ins and outs
Butt Exercises
15x3 Fire hydrants (w/resistance band)
15x3 Curtsey lunges with 10lbs. weights
15x3 Squats
15x3 Resistance band squats
15x3 Butt lift bridge
15x3 Donkey kicks
30 min. Stairs
This is a lot but I have a goal to meet and I’ve been working hard for 3 years and I am so close to my goals. Guys you must work hard to achieve what you want. This is gonna be all for today guys I hope this can give you guys some inspo and extra motivation to go out and work hard for what you want. I know that this can be a platform if I keep pushing and moving forward with it. I will be dropping my YouTube video on my night routine, this Thursday at 5:00pm, so make sure that you check that out and let me know how I did on my first routine video. In addition, I will be dropping another YouTube video next week so stay tuned, I will not be saying what they are until it gets closer to the upload date. Please look out for that and Like, Comment, and Subscribe! That is really going to be it for today guys, I hope someone likes what I’m putting down on here lol, but if not at least I am entertaining myself. PEACE!
Word Count: 598