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Writer's picture: #Theofficialcaliyialanaye#Theofficialcaliyialanaye

I AM SO SORRY THAT I HAVE LET YOU GUYS DOWN AND HAVE KEPT A CONSISTENT ABSENCE ON THIS PLATFORM. THIS HAS BEEN SO DISAPPOINTINT TO ME BECAUSE WRITING IS A LOVE THAT TURNED INTO MY PASSION AND I HAVE NEGLECTED IT FOR ABSOLUTLY NO REASEON. THIS SUMMER I HAVE BEEN CAUGHT UP IN THE WRONG THINGS AND YEAH NIGGAS HAS BEEN ONE OF THEM BUT GOD NEVER AGAIN. I KEPT TELLING MYSELF I DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH TIME NOR ENERGY TO DATE BECAUSE MY MIND ISN’T ON THE RIGH TRACK BUT MAN THAT HAS NOT STOPPED ME FROM DEVELOPING EMOTIONS FOR PEOPLE FROM MY PAST CHILD I AM HAPPY TO BE PAST IT. MOVING ON, has anyone else just been out of it recently? Or like is it just simply me? I have been hating my life and I do not know why specifically this summer has just been truly depressing. I cannot put my finger on as to what is making me feel this way I am getting closer with my coworkers and I am making more friends. I recently ordered a book on developing confidence and higher self esteem while trying to lower depression and anxiety, I will start reading it on the plane tomorrow and maybe I can find some guidance in it. See I am not afraid of saying what I need to publicly work on like gaining confidence, gaining trust, and stop allowing my insecurities to swallow me whole, so why does it seem like I am still so bottled up with emotions? I came here because I felt like I had nowhere else to go; like yeah I have friends but sometimes speaking the past is too loud for me to hear in the present if that makes sense. I am hoping my vacation can help me better clear my mind. Recently I bought a Carnelian Crystal, during the day, it does not leave my neck and at night I let the spirits clean and charge it. I will leave below what it does if anyone is curious. I am still waiting on it to take over me slowly and bring back the natural me that has a natural higj, because this shit right here is just so depressing in a nutshell.


Emotional warmth - Sociability - Creativity - Individuality - Memory - Appreciation of nature - Harmony - Courage - Happiness - Self-esteem - Rebirth - Reincarnation - Past life recall Carnelian is the crystal of fertility, sex drive, strength and creativity. It's a form of chalcedony that takes its distinctive orange to red color from iron oxide impurities. A stabilizing stone, Carnelian restores vitality and motivation, and stimulates creativity. ·Carnelian gives courage, promotes positive life choices, dispels apathy and motivates for success. Carnelian is useful for overcoming abuse of any kind. ·It helps in trusting yourself and your perceptions. ·It overcomes negative conditioning and encourages steadfastness. ·Carnelian improves analytic abilities and clarifies perception. ·It sharpens concentration and dispels mental lethargy. ·It protects against envy, rage and resentment. ·It calms anger, banishes emotional negativity and replaces it with a love of life. Carnelian boosts fertility and stimulates sexuality. ·Carnelian promotes personal power, strength and courage. ·Carnelian is excellent for sensuality, sexual power and sex drive. ·It promotes vitality, energy and drive. ·Carnelian is also great for fertility and maintaining a healthy reproductive system. ·Carnelian helps with expressing our creative self and to help us bring our creation to the world. ·Carnelian is great for work and business-related endeavors as it promotes concentration and the ability to think analytically. ·On an emotional level, it helps prevent emotions of envy or anger from taking hold within us. ·Carnelian can be used effectively to cleanse other crystals. Carnelian treats lower back problems, rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia and depression. It regulates the kidneys, and accelerates healing in bones and ligaments. Improves vitamin and mineral absorption and ensures good blood supply to organs and tissues.

I just miss being happy and smiling and enjoying every day that went by learning something new, I hope this could be just a growing faze where I just take a moment to analyze my life and then carry back on. Does anyone else do that? I have even been avoiding my horoscopes especially the love ones it’s like as long as my heart doesn’t attract anyone my head steers the right way. I just do not have the time or energy to give to someone who is not deserving of it. That is normal right? Most of them talk about work and how I am going to be traveling soon which is kinda cool, or how peace is near and stop overthing, but they do not know that is what my life is made out of. Anyways thanks for coming to my TEDTALK #HASHTAGSPEAKINGFROMTHEHEARTBFLETCHER! As we head towards the end of this blog, I do want to mention that I will be dropping another YouTube video next week so stay tuned! Please look out for that and Like, Comment, and Subscribe! And WELCOME BACK!!

Word Count: 847

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