WHAT IS UP LIYIATRIBE!!!!!!! It’s your girl Caliyia here back with another blog post!!!! Today is the first day of APRIL!!!! I am so excited that I am exiting this very TOXIC month and going into a fresh start, because life changes every second of the day and you are never prepared of what is going to happen next. Talking about a transition from not only going from toxic to positive we also talked about earlier this week in my weekly entry about breaking bad habits. All of this goes right into what we are talking about today, which is Spring Cleaning. Spring Cleaning is so substantial to my life especially now because everything was so hectic and I have finally made time for working on my peace and actually just doing me and kind of fuck everything else I am my main priority. I want to literally scream all of the juicy stuff I have in store for this month, but I just cannot right now. All I can say is this month’s YouTube content is about to be something serious. You know what time it is *CUE THE INTRO!* If you want just a little more insight into my life, feel free to check out my homepage where you can see brief segments about present-day Caliyia. Remember that throughout each week you will also still learn more about me since I am still learning about myself. Now that are basic intro is over let’s go ahead and get into: HOW TO SPRING CLEAN YOUR LIFE!!!!
SPRING CLEANING TIP #1~ Do not just let things sit in your life or your house if they do not serve any purpose! Remember that keeping things as “extra baggage” then get rid of it, because people nor clutter are worth the struggles and problems.
SPRING CLEANING TIP #2~ Never believe that you need to lower your happiness or accomplishments for someone else. No one should ever make you feel like you cannot be happy because they are going through something or just genuinely do not want you to be happy. SPRING CLEANING TIP #3~ Watch what you eat and actually get some exercise. Now I know I cannot be talking, but I am taking my spring and I will be doing every one of these tips myself. Progress in your life especially positive progress is so good for your mental health.
SPRING CLEANING TIP #4~ Redo your room or living space, nothing is better than feeling good and living good. If you want to be happy and have a positive mindset, your household will mirror that good spirit you have with a new look. Add some different decor change your regular room format to something new; re organize somethings to make it have a new cleaner look to match the vibe. Open up some windows light some candles and blast some music have a great time spending some you time getting your life together.
SPRING CLEANING TIP #5~ Try new things it could be a new Starbucks drink, restaurant, music artist, or even meet some new people! Change could be the best thing for some people and maybe change your life making things so amazing for you.
SPRING CLEANING TIP #6~ Make amends, as the school year comes to an end everyone that lived down the street could turn into strangers that go to school across the world. This means if something ended badly with a person that was really close to your heart do something special to get their attention and show how the relationship was really special and full of nothing but love. Do not be afraid of showing some emotion and being vulnerable.
I hope that these tips can get you motivated and wanting to start not only de cluttering your space, but also de clutter your life. Giving yourself some change and peace especially with school coming end. I did drop a YouTube video about three days ago so yeah please check that out for me and if you viewed it, did you like it?, did you tell a friend to check it out?, and did you even stay till the end? Chile anyways make sure that you check that out and let me know how I did, feedback helps become a better YouTuber. In addition, I actually do not know when I will be posting again because I am currently looking around for some inspo. I am super excite about this month, you guys do not even know the secrets I have and will be just putting out there this month so stay tuned. April is going to start my bad bitch season because you guys will not even know what is coming. Anyways when I do upload and even if I don’t please just visit the page and Like, Comment, and Subscribe! I hope someone likes what I’m putting down on here lol, but if not at least I am entertaining myself. PEACE!
Word Count: 827