Wassup LiyiaTribe thank you for tuning in for my first official week at Under the Layers. Today is November 15, 2020, and today I have scheduled the storytime part 2. If you have not read part 1, feel free to read part 1 first then come back to part 2 later. If you want just a little more insight into my life, feel free to check out my homepage where you can see brief segments about present-day Caliyia. Remember that throughout each week you will also still learn, more about me since I am still learning about myself. Without further ado, let us get into storytime part 2. OK so even though the story is supposed to mirror true friends versus fake friends I am going to make this story time morally on communication and how it can help you through a friendship or even a relationship. It started with a girl I met in eighth grade we instantly bonded because we had all of the same classes together like an actual identical schedule so we started hanging out in school and we became school friends. Then after the first semester of school, we figured out that dang we grew rather close so we started hanging out outside school and stayed at each other’s houses, we quickly became just really like best friends. We spent almost all of our time together and whenever we would hang out we had such a fun time like I literally loved this girl as if she was truly like my sister. Therefore, our moms decided that because both of them did not want us to go to the high school that was in our district we would go to a private school that I went to when I was in kindergarten. This was fine with us because you know I just want to be with one of my friends because I did not get into the magnet program that my other friends were accepted into. So during our ninth grade year, we were still thick as thieves. Then both of us ended up in relationships that really just tied us down, we didn’t really have that much time together unless we came to each other’s houses. That really sucked because I missed being with my friend and I was not good at balancing a friendship and having my first boyfriend and I can take ownership of that. Then we started tenth grade and came back to school. When we came back, we saw each other every day because the private school was so small everybody in your grade had the same classes, so it kind of worked out but it was still a bit of distance between us. A bit further in the year, we were cheerleaders and we met this other girl that was on the team and she became basically one of our closest friends, and we three would have some of the best laughs and jokes and we were just having nonstop fun. Here is where things shift a bit in the story somethings things I could have taken in the wrong context. I never knew because we never talked it out after this incident. So she got out of a relationship, which meant she had more time and she spent it with the other friend while I was still in a relationship. Therefore, they became some more distant, they would normally just hang by themselves, and I was out of the loop. To where they would not even talk to me during the day at all. Because of that, they got close and I was usually either with my boyfriend or by myself. Towards the end of the year, she started talking on and off with the person she was with before. One day, he recorded their conversation while they were in his car. She started to talk about how they became distant and that it was because I and her stop talking and I never understood why she would say that or what that meant. Moreover, she just continuously blamed me for their separation and their relationship, and why she stopped talking to me. So I ended up trying to ask her about it, when I came up to her she already had an attitude because I was trying to talk to her in the first place. Then she started yelling and getting rowdy and then we eventually ended up getting into a physical altercation. Our moms know that we were so close so a little after the fight her mom brought her to my house. As she was trying to talk things out and explain her side of the story a lot of things didn’t make sense to me, one main thing she said about her using my name in their conversation was because she wanted to “trap him” like he was trapping her by recording the conversation. I just wanted to know why she didn’t tell me I did not care if you were going to make up a story, were friends we had each other’s back she should’ve just told me. After she explained her side I just felt like many things were not adding up so I decided to just leave her and the other girl alone so they could just be happy with each other. We never spoke again and that is still to this day. I wanted to tell my story to say if somebody really means something to you, and you believe that it is worth fighting to communicate through it. Communication can get you a long way and we could have still been tight all of us even the other girl but with the lack of communication and shady moves being done in the process nothing ever happened. With that being said……… Always voice your opinion and speak your mind; remember neither of you will have the same point of view.
Word Count: 992
Thank you for reading and staying through week 1!!!!